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How To Setup a Vacation Autoresponder with Procmail + Sendmail January 8, 2008

Posted by devhen in CentOS, Fedora, Linux.

The problem with vacation auto responders like ‘vacation’ for sendmail is that spammers often fake the From: address. Auto responding to these addresses can get your mail server blacklisted. To avoid this you can setup your autoresponder with procmail and, if you are running a spam filter on your machine, you can tell procmail to auto respond only if the X Spam Status header is ‘No.’ To accomplish this copy the following into ~/.procmailrc in the home directory of the user you want auto responses for. Make sure to make any neccessary changes to MAILDIR, SENDMAIL and the three instances of ‘you@yourdomain.com’:


# Auto-responder for vacations. Please
# insert text in $MAILDIR/message.txt
:0 ic
*!^X-Loop: you@yourdomain.com
* ^X-Spam-Status: No
|(formail -r -A “Precedence: Auto” \
– -I”From: Testy <you@yourdomain.com>” \
– -I”Subject: Automated acknowledgement” \
– -A “X-Loop: you@yourdomain.com”; \
cat message.txt )| $SENDMAIL -t


Now put your auto response message in ~/mail/message.txt . Don’t forget to turn off the autoresponder when you return:

mv ~/.procmailrc ~/procmailrc_backup

No Mouse Pointer on CentOS 5 May 1, 2007

Posted by devhen in CentOS, Fedora, Linux.

There is a bug with numerous NVidia graphics chips that causes the mouse pointer to be invisible in GNOME and GDM (possibly also KDE, I haven’t tried it). I discovered this bug on a fresh install of CentOS 5 but its possible that the issue also applies to CentOS 4 as well as Fedora releases. The fix is relatively easy and solved the problem for me on an nForce motherboard with a built-in GeForce 6100 video card. Edit your xorg.conf file and add the line Option "HWCursor" "off" to your videocard device section so that it looks something like this:

Fix for no mouse pointer

Clearlooks on CentOS 4 March 5, 2007

Posted by devhen in CentOS, Linux.
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The ever-popular, ever-slick Clearlooks GNOME theme is just minutes away for you CentOS users. Its available via the kbs-CentOS-Extras repo. Download this file and pop it into /etc/yum.repos.d/. Then do

yum install gnome-theme-clearlooks gnome-theme-clearlooks-bigpack

If you’d rather not enable the kbs-CentOS-Extras repo system-wide you can download the packages and install them manually. Get them here and here.

You can also install some other GNOME themes with

yum install gnome-themes-extras

or get the package here.

Now you can install other Clearlooks-based themes like Gilouche as well.

HOWTO: Install fuse + sshfs on CentOS Linux June 8, 2006

Posted by devhen in CentOS, HOWTO, Linux.

UPDATED Dec-19-2006:

NOTE: These instruction are for CentOS 4.

The apt-get method of installing sshfs that I had posted here previously did not work for me. I got this error when trying to mount an ssh drive:

shfsmount: shfs filesystem not supported by the kernel

So, I set out to find a different method of installing sshfs (and fuse, which it requires). One, preferably, that would actually work. Well, I found one. Its not the most elegant solution but its effective.

First, download a copy of the fuse source rpm:

wget http://www.devhen.net/centos/fuse-2.6.0-1.src.rpm

Next, install the source rpm and then build the proper fuse rpm’s from the .spec file:

rpm -ivh fuse-2.6.0-1.src.rpm
rpmbuild -bb /usr/src/redhat/SPECS/fuse.spec

Next, install the rpms that you have built:

cd /usr/src/redhat/RPMS/i386 (replace ‘i386’ with your arch, if necessary)
rpm -Uvh fuse-2.6.0-1.i386.rpm fuse-kernel-2.6.0-1.i386.rpm fuse-libs-2.6.0-1.i386.rpm fuse-devel-2.6.0-1.i386.rpm

Now you can install the sshfs-fuse rpm:

wget http://www.devhen.net/centos/sshfs-fuse-1.6-2.i386.rpm
rpm -ivh sshfs-fuse-1.6-2.i386.rpm

** You can try building the sshfs-fuse rpm from its source package if your not on i386**

Now comes the ugly part… For some reason the system can’t find the fuse module after installing these packages. So, head over to the fuse project homepage and download fuse-2.6.0.tar.gz. Unpack it and then

make install

and you should be in business. As I said, this is not an elegant solution because you are installing fuse from the tar.gz file on top of the fuse rpms. However, it works for me and that’s all that matters right now because I really needed to mount some ssh drives on my workstation. 😉

Mount an ssh drive like so:

sshfs user@remotesystem:/path/you/want/to/mount/ /mnt/mount-point/ -o allow_other

Don’t forget the trailing /’s on both the source folder and the mount point. -o allow_other will give all users access to the mounted drive. Type sshfs -h for a list of all of sshfs’ options.